Welcome to TabletopTown, Paizo

TabletopTown is thrilled to announce their official partnership with Paizo, one of the leading publishers in tabletop role playing games. Paizo’s lifetime commitment to supporting players, and its ongoing loyalty to creators is the perfect foundation for TabletopTown to build a strong community of people who care about telling important stories. This partnership will allow players and game masters access to the Paizo library through the Marketplace, the in-app location for users to find and sell games, characters, and stories.

Paizo’s worlds are rich with deep lore, intricate mechanics, and elaborate world building that goes beyond a scribble on a notes app during a tabletop session. All of Paizo’s adventures are available to buy and explore, opening up new worlds and stories for game masters to investigate and make their own. With access to Pathfinder and Starfinder, game masters can pull from the bestiary, bringing strange and mystical creatures like a Pleroma to life with all the stats, descriptions, and avatars added in a single tap, easy to use and, for the game master, easy to depict.

With the entire ruleset at their fingertips, players can enjoy as much rules lawyering as they want, or avoid cluttering the chat with things that would usually require looking up in the table of contents.

At launch, beginning players will have a variety of prebuilt character sheets, so grandma’s desire to be a Juggernaut Champion doesn’t require pages of research. More experienced players can build out their own intricate lore and stat blocks with existing game mechanics for the skeleton of the character. Those players can then add modifications whenever they like, with homebrewed rules to get the details just right.

This is an electrifying partnership that kicks off TabletopTown’s journey as they put game night in your pocket.

*Product screenshots are a curated collection of some of the products expected to be available on the TabletopTown marketplace at launch.


Feature List


Release Notes: v1.5.0